Imagine this, you finally get that big interview you have been waiting for your whole career to get. This could either bring you all the success you've ever wanted, or it could completely ruin your career, slandering your company's name for good.
You do all you can to practice and prepare, but as the day get's closer and closer, you're haunted with a reoccurring thought: "what if I totally blow it?"
Standing up in front of an audience to be interviewed can be nerve-racking for anyone. Unfortunately for CEOs and executives, the pressure of being interviewed in front of a bigger crowd on display for the world to see can be even more taxing.
These high-stakes interviews can stir up some fear in even the most confident and experienced speakers. There's so much pressure in knocking your interview out of the park, knowing that one mistake could cost you your business. How can you ensure that you deliver your key messages on camera in a compelling manner without choking under pressure? Executive media training.
What you can expect to learn in executive media training
Executives have more on the line than the average Joe blow because they have higher stakes interviews like radio shows and tv interviews. Media training for executives is designed to help you with your interview skills by teaching you how to use body language and eye contact when speaking with journalists. You will learn the importance of talking in sound bites when delivering your key points to be clear and concise. Execs must learn how to prepare for difficult questions, by practicing using role-play with a communications strategist.
Throughout the training program, you will practice your public speaking skills at length while also learning how to use strategic communications and media relations strategies to your benefit. You will be given tips on how to stay focused when delivering your key messages and how to redirect the conversation. By the end of this training, executives can expect to see an immediate improvement in their speaking skills, their ability to take control of their interview and most of all, their overall confidence going into their media interview.
Important media training tips for executives
1) The importance of looking the part. There is nothing worse than watching a tv interview where the interviewee is dressed unprofessionally, wearing too much makeup or just looks tired and worn out. It makes it difficult to take them seriously, and it takes your focus off the important messages they are conveying. Learning how to dress professionally and look the part is crucial for your company's success.
2) Embrace the worst-case scenario. Many people don't even allow themselves to think about the worst-case scenario because they are so emotionally invested and may end up spiraling into negative thinking. What if you were able to explore the worst-case scenario objectively? Communicate your fears to a person you trust- maybe a friend or a family member who can bring your down to earth. You will come to realize, that if this interview doesn't go as planned, it won't ruin your career. It might bring you some bad press but that's a little bump in the road that will blow over. Once you're able to explore the possibilities and come to terms with the worst-case scenario, it will take some of the pressure off and will help relieve your nerves.
3) Get comfortable with pauses. Many people get very uncomfortable with pauses, feeling like they have to fill every space with conversation. This can cause you to spew out an answer right away, not giving it a proper thought. It's okay to say something like "give me a moment to think about that". This will give you the chance to answer in a well- thought out manner, allowing you to represent your company to the best of your ability.
4) Confidence is key. Having a lot of experience with public relations, media relations and public speaking is great but if you're lacking in confidence, you may lose the interest of your audience. If you're fidgeting, avoiding eye contact with the journalist and stumbling on your words, their attention will no longer be on the messages you're trying to convey. How do you gain confidence? By practicing. The practice doesn't stop once you've finished executive media training. The more you practice, the more confidence you gain. Grab a friend, a family member, or a co-worker and practice until you feel so confident that your nerves disappear.

About bulletproof media training
Bulletproof Media Training is a communications agency that provides media training services and constructive media strategies to help companies and organizations achieve communication objectives and advance business goals. We are a team that understands the ins and outs of media, while also understanding the importance of the use of media relations tools and techniques in helping you to achieve your desired outcome.
Bulletproof is run by well-known media trainer, Tara McCarthy, whose team of experienced communications strategists and trainers have had 20 years of experience training global companies. She has built a reputation for herself and her team by providing excellent media relations tips and tricks to big companies and organizations. Her training services have helped many individuals and companies find their voice and build the confidence needed for their company's success.
Bulletproof offers French media training, in addition to English media training services. Free consultations are available through the contact form at www.bebulletproof.com